Raasepori, Sunpark, Vanha Turuntie 75, 10420 Pohjankuru

Kahvilaravintola/ palvelu                                                  Restaurant Cafe/ Service

     Ajat                                                                                                      Daily

                  Lounas klo 11.00 - 15.00                                                       Lunch   11am-3pm

                  Lauantai  kts etusivu                                                            Sat  Look at the front page

            Sunnuntai  Kts etusivu                            Sunday  Look at the front page

                    Iltatarjoilu /  Vain tilauksesta                                  Evenings / Only by pre order

                    Tilauksesta yksityistilaisuuksia                             Private by pre order

ALSO Pick up Take Aways for Separate Daily Lunch 

and Special Delivery for 10-24 pers in the form of Mix Buffet.

Acc. to the Separate Offers